Automate Recon and scanning process with Vidoc. All security teams in one place
By kannthu
The "ThinkPHP 5.0.9 - Information Disclosure" module is designed to detect a vulnerability in the ThinkPHP 5.0.9 framework. ThinkPHP is a popular PHP framework used for developing web applications. This module specifically targets an information disclosure vulnerability in ThinkPHP 5.0.9.
The severity of this vulnerability is classified as critical, indicating that it poses a significant risk to the security of the affected application.
An information disclosure vulnerability allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information. In the case of this module, it can potentially expose sensitive data stored within the ThinkPHP 5.0.9 framework.
This module works by sending a specific HTTP request to the target application. The request path includes a parameter that triggers the vulnerability. The module then checks the response for specific patterns to determine if the vulnerability is present.
For example, the module sends a GET request to the path /index.php?ids[0,updatexml(0,concat(0xa,user()),0)]=1
. It then checks the response for the presence of the words "SQLSTATE" and "XPATH syntax error" and verifies that the response status is 500.
If these conditions are met, the module reports the vulnerability.
Note: It is important to keep your ThinkPHP framework updated to the latest version to mitigate the risk of this vulnerability.