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Pulsar Admin Console Panel - Detect

By kannthu

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What is the "Pulsar Admin Console Panel - Detect?"

The "Pulsar Admin Console Panel - Detect" module is designed to detect the presence of the Pulsar admin console panel. Pulsar is a software that provides an administrative interface for managing and monitoring Pulsar clusters. This module focuses on identifying the Pulsar admin console panel and does not perform any actions beyond detection.

This module has an informative severity level, which means it provides valuable information but does not indicate a vulnerability or misconfiguration.

This module was authored by ritikchaddha.


The impact of detecting the Pulsar admin console panel is limited to the identification of its presence. It does not indicate any specific vulnerabilities or misconfigurations.

How does the module work?

The "Pulsar Admin Console Panel - Detect" module works by sending an HTTP GET request to the "/#/admin/dashboard" path. It then applies two matching conditions to determine if the Pulsar admin console panel is present:

    - The module checks if the response body contains the "<title>Pulsar Admin Console" string. This indicates that the admin console panel is present. - The module verifies that the response status code is 200, indicating a successful request.

If both conditions are met, the module reports the detection of the Pulsar admin console panel.

Example HTTP request:

GET /#/admin/dashboard

The module's matching conditions:

- The response body must contain the string "<title>Pulsar Admin Console". - The response status code must be 200.

Please note that this module does not perform any actions beyond detection.

Module preview

Concurrent Requests (1)
1. HTTP Request template
Matching conditions
word: <title>Pulsar Admin Consoleand
status: 200
Passive global matcher
No matching conditions.
On match action
Report vulnerability