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Global Traffic Statistics Exposure

By kannthu

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Global Traffic Statistics Exposure

What is the "Global Traffic Statistics Exposure?"

The "Global Traffic Statistics Exposure" module is designed to detect misconfigurations related to global traffic statistics. It targets a specific software and assesses the severity of the exposure. This module was authored by tess.


This module aims to identify potential vulnerabilities or misconfigurations related to global traffic statistics. The impact of such exposure can vary depending on the specific software and its configuration. It is important to address any identified issues promptly to mitigate potential risks.

How does the module work?

The "Global Traffic Statistics Exposure" module utilizes HTTP request templates and matching conditions to perform its assessment. It checks for specific patterns in the response body, headers, and status codes to determine if the global traffic statistics are exposed. For example, it may search for the presence of phrases like "Global Traffic Statistics" and "Listening on" in the response body, ensure that the response header contains "text/html", and verify that the status code is 200.

By analyzing these criteria, the module can identify potential misconfigurations or vulnerabilities related to global traffic statistics. It provides valuable insights into the security posture of the targeted software.

Example HTTP request:

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3

The module's matching conditions include:

- Checking for specific phrases in the response body, such as "Global Traffic Statistics" and "Listening on". - Verifying that the response header contains "text/html". - Ensuring that the status code is 200.

By meeting these conditions, the module identifies instances where global traffic statistics may be exposed, allowing for further investigation and remediation.

Module preview

Concurrent Requests (0)
Passive global matcher
word: Global Traffic Statistics, Listening onand
word: text/htmland
status: 200
On match action
Report vulnerability